3x DRY

昨天發現這一雙GUCCI配色原來是3X DRY的材質



3XDRY®是瑞士Schoeller公司的注册商标, 外层拒水,内层吸水,下小雨时水珠自然滚落不沾湿衣服, 内面迅速吸汗, 衣服不会粘在皮肤上, 让您在运动时同时享受高科技纺织品带给您的乾爽与舒适!


1. 外表拨水, 里层迅速吸汗
2. 流汗时内层迅速吸收蒸发, 外表看不到汗流浃背的狼狈景象
3. 下小雨时, 布表特殊处理的疏水分子将雨水阻断在纤维外, 雨滴就像在荷叶上滑落,同时保持纤维原有的透气性能
4. 衣服不小心沾到酱油, 番茄酱时亦可很容易用水冲去不留痕迹(不留痕迹哦)
5. 特殊组织设计, 保持通风凉爽舒适

One textile. Two treatments. Three functions.

3XDRY® treatments combine two technologies into one textile:

On the outside the textile is finished with a water-repellent function, whereas on the fabric’s inside it absorbs perspiration. The treatment does not affect the appearance, hand or the air permeability features of the fabric.

Dry on the inside:

Moisture resulting from perspiration is quickly absorbed from the inner side of the textile with 3XDRY® treatment. Perspiration is distributed over a large surface area and escapes to the outside.

Dry on the outside:

The 3XDRY® treatment reliably repels moisture.

Dry in a flash:

The distribution of the moisture over a large surface area ensures rapid evaporation. Therefore, textiles with 3XDRY® dry noticeably faster.

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